Monday, December 5, 2016

Minecraft Hour of Code Adventurer

I think that Minecraft Hour of Code Adventure is a awesome way to teach people the basic concepts of coding like to have a character move a certain amount of steps later and preform a certain act like this!

We also had to use a "repeat loop" so we got work done faster and so that our character did what it needed to do faster.
Also we had to learn how to use a "if then" statement so that our character didn't fall into lava. Instead they placed a block on the lava so they could continue moving forwards.

I think that coding is important to learn, or at least understand the basic concepts of, coding so that we can, number one, understand the work that is required for almost everything that we use today. And number two, so that we can change things slightly if they aren't working. Like if your playing a game in Minecraft and one of the command blocks some how got messed up and your game crashed. Wouldn't you want to know how to figure that out on your own instead of googling how to work a command block in general? Coding would help you understand what is going into every game that you play and understand (pretty well) what is going on to make that game happen.

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